Hi, I’m Naomi Bosch.

I’m pleased to meet you here! I’m a freelance writer and author based in Croatia. My calling is to tell the inspiring stories behind food, farming & sustainability. Through my writing, I’m advancing the movement for a more sustainable, just & regenerative food system.

Have a look at my most recent work:

My story

I grew up in Croatia and studied agricultural sciences in Germany and Croatia. I’ve since then worked on farms in different countries across Europe. To me, it’s always a pleasure to work in sustainable agriculture and to get to know the people and stories behind our food.

In 2023, my first book in German has been published – an absolute passion project!

When I’m not busy writing or gardening, I love trying out new foods, wandering around in nature or enjoying a good cup of coffee with friends.

My vision

I long for a world in which people live in harmony with each other, nature & God.

Plentiful lands are places where biodiversity thrives, food is good, farmers can live in dignity and people care for our common home.

Behind the scenes, I’m working on establishing a regenerative, educational farm.

Together, let’s restore those plentiful lands everywhere around and within us.

My mission

My mission is to inspire hope for our planet. I want to practically equip people to live simply, purposefully and regeneratively – leaving a positive impact on ecosystems & people.

My motivation is my deep love for nature, for people and for the Creator. I believe it’s our calling to care for God’s beautiful world. That’s why I support the environmental organization A Rocha, and I’m a founding member of the Friends of A Rocha in Croatia.

Work with Naomi Bosch

Do you need a freelance writer who can write compelling articles about food, farming & sustainability? Have a story idea for me? Or just want to say hello? I’m looking forward to hearing from you!