Comparing Organic vs. Conventional Farming: Resource Efficiency

In part 6 of this series, we’re exploring how efficient conventional and organic farming are. We’ll look at their efficiency in using resources such as fertilizers, energy etc. and whether these resources are renewable or nonrenewable. Farming will face some extraordinary challenges once some of our finite resources are depleted. But solutions are available! [available as audio]

Should We Save Endangered Species?

We probably all agree that we should save useful species such as bees and other pollinators. But what about all those species that don’t benefit us as humans? Why should we conserve all species? [5 min reading time]

Conventional vs Organic Farming: Biodiversity

We all rely on biodiversity for a living, wether we’re aware of it or not. Biodiversity is rapidly declinining, so hopes are high that organic farming could offer a solution. But is it really better for biodiversity than conventional farming? [audio available]

Conventional vs. Organic Farming: Water

Farming is more than just the production of food! For example, it affects water – the essence of all life. Losing a source of fresh water means losing independence and a healthy environment. [available as audio]

Bananas As We Know Them Are Doomed

Worldwide, we rely on very few crops to ensure food security. And of these crops, we cultivate only few different varieties. This can have disastrous effects, as you will find out in the story of the banana. The environmental, social and economic consequences of our narrowing diversity are becoming increasingly visible. It is time to act in order to find sustainable solutions!
[available as audio]

Community Supported Agriculture: A System Change

Could community supported agriculture be the farming model of the future? It certainly is a step in the right direction, as it values agriculture and food very highly. It connects farmers and consumers as no other form of agriculture does. And it provides people with seasonal, locally produced organic food. With so many farmers barely being able to live from the prices they are paid… [6.5 min reading time]