Wine Diversity or: Joy Above all Measures

It’s a warm day in September as I set off to participate in the grape harvest. Here, on the gentle, green hills of Istria, vineyards and olive groves are spilled all over the landscape. Later during the course of the day, I’m entirely captivated by the diversity and mystery of excellent, wine-making in tune with nature…

Can Organic Farming Feed the World?

By 2050, there will be almost 10 billion people living on the planet. Critics of organic farming say that we cannot feed the world with organic farming methods. Let’s challenge this assumption…

How to Create a Wildlife-Friendly Garden

Learn how to create a wildlife-friendly garden in a few simple steps. Attract colourful butterflies, busy bees, birds, squirrels and other creatures into your garden. And even if you don’t have a garden of your own, there’s still a lot you can do to help wildlife thrive… [4 min reading time]

What is Communal Living?

We live in times of unprecedented material prosperity, yet often feel lonely. Crowded cities, broken relationships… two families tell how they escaped this vicious cycle and stepped into an alternative form of communal living. [7 min reading time]

Plentiful Lands: What a Thriving World Could Look Like

We can bring down heaven on earth. It starts in the small vegetable allotment in the backyard and in the sound of a serendipitous bumblebee. In the stretched-out hand, in the good meal shared with one another and the smile on the face. In the scent of fresh coffee in the morning and the knowledge of the fairly paid farmer. In the taste of good chocolate and in a diverse apple orchard. It starts small, but it starts. And you and me, we can be part of this revolution of creating plentiful lands all around us… [4 min reading time]

Top 5 Climate Solutions

Can my tiny efforts do anything about climate change? In this article, I want to kindle hope. Hope that change is possible, and that certain actions really do make a difference. We just have to know where to start… [7 min reading time]

Sustainable Fair & Conscious Eating

Standing in a huge supermarket aisle, surrounded by crammed shelves with millions of products and sales offers screaming at us, it can be tough to find out what really good food is. Where does it come from? Was it produced sustainably? Who grew it? Let me help you see clearer how to eat sustainably & fair, and discover new joy in your food! [4 min reading time]