Wisdom of Trees Series: Like a Tree…

Trees have the incredible ability to pump up water from below the Earth’s surface. They replenish everything around them – thanks to one little secret! We can learn a lot from trees… and become like wise trees ourselves. [available as audio]

Conventional vs. Organic Farming: Water

Farming is more than just the production of food! For example, it affects water – the essence of all life. Losing a source of fresh water means losing independence and a healthy environment. [available as audio]

Urban Gardening – The Food Revolution

Where does your food come from? If you live in a city, like me, you probably rely on farmers near and far to produce your food. But what would happen if the food chain suddenly broke down? Well, urban gardening can transform our cities into beautiful, productive spaces for growing fresh groceries right at our doorsteps! Could this be the next food revolution? [available as audio]

Bananas As We Know Them Are Doomed

Worldwide, we rely on very few crops to ensure food security. And of these crops, we cultivate only few different varieties. This can have disastrous effects, as you will find out in the story of the banana. The environmental, social and economic consequences of our narrowing diversity are becoming increasingly visible. It is time to act in order to find sustainable solutions!
[available as audio]

Community Supported Agriculture: A System Change

Could community supported agriculture be the farming model of the future? It certainly is a step in the right direction, as it values agriculture and food very highly. It connects farmers and consumers as no other form of agriculture does. And it provides people with seasonal, locally produced organic food. With so many farmers barely being able to live from the prices they are paid… [6.5 min reading time]

Book Review: Under The Bright Wings

In his book Under the Bright Wings, Peter Harris describes how out of a deep passion for the environment, and the wish to serve God in a place with little hope for people and ecosystems, the international organisation A Rocha developed. Humorously accompanied by a Britons remarks on embarking into Latin culture, this book was truly a pleasure to read. [2.5 min reading time]