Plentiful Lands: What a Thriving World Could Look Like

We can bring down heaven on earth. It starts in the small vegetable allotment in the backyard and in the sound of a serendipitous bumblebee. In the stretched-out hand, in the good meal shared with one another and the smile on the face. In the scent of fresh coffee in the morning and the knowledge of the fairly paid farmer. In the taste of good chocolate and in a diverse apple orchard. It starts small, but it starts. And you and me, we can be part of this revolution of creating plentiful lands all around us… [4 min reading time]

And yet, I plant a Garden

We are all, to some extent, infested with what I like to call the “tourist syndrome” – myself included. This impacts how we treat others and the environment, and it determines our own well-being. But Jeus modelled something radically different for us… For me, this discovery started with a 3000-year-old letter and the simple act of planting a garden… [6 min reading time]

Why I Care About the Environment

This is a love story. The story of how I came to love nature, love Earth, love people, and ultimately love God through everything I do – including caring for the environment. [available as audio]

As the Birds Sing Praises

Why do birds sing? Why are they so colourful? Could it be that they also sing praises to their Creator? Where prayer and birdsong unite, miracles happen… A personal story. [4 min reading time]

Redeeming Farming

What was life like back when we had no agricultural machinery? And how come people invented it? There were people who believed that feeding the world was part of their religious mission in life. With far-reaching consequences… [audio available]

Wisdom of Trees Series: Like a Tree…

Trees have the incredible ability to pump up water from below the Earth’s surface. They replenish everything around them – thanks to one little secret! We can learn a lot from trees… and become like wise trees ourselves. [available as audio]

Book Review: Under The Bright Wings

In his book Under the Bright Wings, Peter Harris describes how out of a deep passion for the environment, and the wish to serve God in a place with little hope for people and ecosystems, the international organisation A Rocha developed. Humorously accompanied by a Britons remarks on embarking into Latin culture, this book was truly a pleasure to read. [2.5 min reading time]

Tea Stories N°6

Mate tea in South America is a social event. It stands as a symbol of tradition transcending generations. A symbol of community, of stories long-ago, and maybe of stories which are yet to be told… [3 min reading time]