Tea Stories N°5

Let me take you on yet another visit to the North of Germany, this time to a small vegetable farm. Again, I swing open a door to the home of a warm, welcoming family. It is 8 o’clock and it’s barely dawning outside… [2 min reading time]

The Core Of The Problem

Through my studies of agriculture, I was deeply saddened by the crisis visible all around me. How do we live sustainably and in harmony in this world? My quest for answers made me turn to the Creator… [available as audio]

Challenges of Modern-Day Farming

Farming – this is a topic that concerns everybody: We all need to feed ourselves! Today, agriculture faces some huge challenges. The world population has exploded in the past decades and is still rising. At the same time, arable land tends to become smaller worldwide. How do we find answers in this crisis-torn world? [available as audio]

Tea Stories N° 4

Let me take you to a faraway country. A country of jungles, monumental temples and crowded cities, of swaying, colourful silk, of spices… [2 min reading time]

What Nature Can Teach

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts – a principle that can only too often be observed in nature! I believe that there is intention in nature. The way it wonderfully works is the craftmanship of a wise Creator! He arranged nature to function in a way that everything is connected and sustains each other. [7 min reading time]

Tea Stories N°3

It’s time to admit it: I also used to be biased when it comes to tea. For me, tea would simply be black tea. After all, it’s the standard English tea, and there’s a whole ceremony around it… [4 min reading time]

Tea Stories N° 2

In this series, I write about travels on which I encountered tea and hospitality. There is a surprising diversity in traditions and tastes revolving around tea…

Everything Has Its Time

It was at a time when I was eagerly waiting for something specific to happen, but knew that I would have to wait for one more year until it would come into being…

Tea Stories N° 1

Tea – this word evokes memories, conjures up images and feelings… For many people, tea is a daily companion in life…